Applying for an Erasmus traineeship grant - Lund University


Karolina Komorowska, PhD - Project Manager - Magle

The accident insurance covers: - accidents during travels made for work purposes - accidents on the way to work and back from work: The trainee covered by a liability insurance. lund university erasmus scholarship Choose type of Erasmus scholarship (for studies or for traineeships) Typ of mobility: Choose Student mobility for studies Student mobility for traineeship EU:s samarbetsprogram inom högre utbildning heter Erasmus+. Erasmus+ trädde i kraft 2014 och sträcker sig fram till 2020. Programmet ger möjlighet till internationella utbyten, strategiska samarbetsprojekt och stöd för policyförändring. Preparing for your Erasmus traineeship abroad Internships in research teams abroad Submenu for Internships in research teams abroad Current offers of internships in research projects abroad Postal address Box 118, 221 00 Lund Visiting address Kårhuset, John Ericssons väg 3 Telephone +46 46 222 00 00 Email Website Faculty of Engineering/LTH International Office Guidelines and information concerning incoming Erasmus interns at LTH, Lund University (LU) Guidelines and information concerning incoming Erasmus interns at the Department of Biology, Lund University (Modified from Kristina Miolin’s instructions January 2018.) This document tries to explain the basic rules that apply for incoming Erasmus interns (traineeship), and clarify who is responsible for the different stages of managing interns. Lund University can be equated with a company in this regard.

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Traineeship. Conditions for an Erasmus trainee • You must be registered and intend to graduate at Lund University. You can also apply for the grant for traineeship after completing your studies, but you must apply for the scholarship during the last semester, while you’re still registered as a student at Lund University. The traineeship must be Skicka ansökan via e-post till erasmuspraktik [at] er [dot] lu [dot] se och namnge mailet ”Erasmus Traineeship Grant Application”. eller. Posta din ansökan. Skicka begärda ansökningsdokument (se ovan) på enkla sidor till: Lunds universitet Erasmuspraktik Box 117 221 00 Lund.

The Erasmus charter sets out the necessary provisions (i.e.

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Guidelines and information concerning incoming Erasmus interns at the Faculty of Science, Lund University This document tries to explain the basic rules that apply for incoming Erasmus interns (traineeship), and clarify who is responsible for the different stages of managing interns. The aim is to avoid problems for incoming interns, and make it Erasmus+ grant for traineeship As a student at Lund University, you might apply for the Erasmus+ Grant for Traineeship. Conditions for an Erasmus trainee for the academic year 2014/2015 • You must be registered and intend to graduate at Lund University. You can also apply for the grant for traineeship after completing your studies, but Under the condition that the student is awarded the Erasmus Traineeship Grant, the Sending Institution will provide an accident insurance to the trainee.

Lund university erasmus traineeship

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Lund university erasmus traineeship

Fill in an online evaluation (EU-survey) (a link to the survey will be made available to you via email after the completion of your traineeship). Submit the Traineeship Certificate to the Erasmus Grant Administrator at Lund University (the form will be sent to you via email at the end of your traineeship period). As a Lund University student you can study at another European university for 3–12 months within the framework of the Erasmus mobility programme. Lund University has agreements with around 400 higher education institutions in Europe. As a current student at Lund University, you can do a research internship at one of the LERU universities that is part of the STREAM project programme, on a full-time basis, for anything from one month up to a whole semester. In most cases, you can get credits transferred to your degree at Lund University for this experience. intern with a “Traineeship Certificate” after completing their internship.

Lund university erasmus traineeship

The Erasmus charter sets out the necessary provisions (i.e. conditions, rights, and obligations) of an Erasmus intern. It serves as proof of your participation in the Erasmus Traineeship. Erasmus + scholarship contract The University of Oxford has an Erasmus charter (2014-2020) in place to participate in the Erasmus+ programme.
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Lund university erasmus traineeship

The aim is to avoid problems for incoming interns, and make it Preparing for your Erasmus traineeship abroad Internships in research teams abroad Submenu for Internships in research teams abroad Current offers of internships in research projects abroad Erasmus interns are not Erasmus students. There is no exchange agreement between LU and the intern’s home university as a basis for this mobility. Lund University can be equated with a company in this regard.

The Erasmus charter sets out the necessary provisions (i.e. conditions, rights, and obligations) of an Erasmus intern. It serves as proof of your participation in the Erasmus Traineeship. Erasmus + scholarship contract The University of Oxford has an Erasmus charter (2014-2020) in place to participate in the Erasmus+ programme.
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Karolina Komorowska, PhD - Project Manager - Magle

It is also possible to do an internship after you have finished your studies, but you have to apply for grant during your last semester as a registered full-time student at Lund University. Fill in an online evaluation (EU-survey) (a link to the survey will be made available to you via email after the completion of your traineeship).

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Additional application rounds may be announced during the year. These will be published on the Erasmus traineeship website alongside the application forms. Contents An Erasmus Traineeship must be arranged in direct contact with a department or research group at the University of Copenhagen. This means that students are responsible for the initial contact to the relevant professor, researcher or research group and for planning the Erasmus Traineeship. To apply for a traineeship grant, please: Fill in the Learning Agreement form (external webpage). Print the Learning Agreement, to be signed by all three parties (y ou can email the document to speed up the signing Submit the Learning Agreement and the supporting documents to the Lund University To be eligible to apply for the Erasmus traineeship grant, you must be a current student who is registered in full-time studies and intends to graduate at Lund University.