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"afk" Drone Ratting Ishtar Fit Help. Author Previous Topic Next Topic: deadlywario0 Musana. Miner Materials and Prospecting. Likes received: 0 #1 - 2016-06-15 14:19 Because of this high Natural Resist to Kinetic and Thermal Damage, the Ishtar is very well suited to fighting Serpentis Rats. But that's not the only reason for it's Awesomeness.
Von meinem Kollegen, Alex Kardaan bekam ich ein Fit für eine Ishtar.
Contrast; Default contrast; Night contrast; Black and White contrast; Black and Yellow contrast 2 Jul 2016 Ishtar PVE Fit This is a pretty standard fit use able in many different PVE related content in EVE Online. It features high speed afterburner and It can spin Havens afk until the final wave making it a good ship if you dont like active ratting. Fitting name High Medium Low Price AVG Uploader; Ishtar: 26 Sep 2020 Ever wanted to learn how to fit a ship to complete a PvE site? Tengu – Great missile damage and local tank; Ishtar – Great drone damage Are your eyes bleeding from ratting in a VNI? Awful stuff.
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Needs some getting used to compared to a Cerberus but it looks alright.
The Ishtar should only run Rock Havens and not Gas Havens. So OP is saying every 20mins he earns around 20million isk. Guristas Faction Cruiser Notes. Hunting rats is a prevalent method of earning ISK for the type of players that like PvE Combat.
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Myrmidon; Dominix; Blood Raiders Ratting Compendium Ishtar; Ratting Guristas. Damage type to do: Kinetic. Damage types to tank: Kinetic and Thermal. Guristas do about 70% Kinetic and 30% Thermal damage.
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The Ishtar is difficult to fit without the proper fitting skills.
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The Ishtar is an Heavy Assault Cruiser that emulates the VNIs of old. In Mesopotamian mythology, Ishtar … Ishtar gives me the same paper dps, but better tracking and drone speed and ofc tank! 2-3 Billion ISK High Skills, Ratting Dreadnoughts Ishtar or rattle would be the most common next step.
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If buffer-tanked, this probably.